Kathak Practitioner, Performer, Facilitator: Nivedita Joshi, hailing from Pune, embarked on her Kathak journey at a young age under the esteemed Guru Mulla Jafar Khan of the Banaras gharana. Years of rigorous training later, she honed her skills at Maneesha Nrityalaya (Pune) before becoming a dedicated disciple of the renowned Jaipur gharana maestro, Guru Pt. Rajendra Gangani from Delhi.
Armed with a Bachelor of Arts from SNDT University (Pune) and a Visharad in Kathak dance from Akhil Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya (Miraj), Nivedita further broadened her horizons with a Certificate in Special Needs Education from The School of Positive Psychology, Singapore, an Art Therapy certification from NAFA, Singapore, and a certification in Mayurbhanj-style Chaau dance from Sreeram Bharati Kala Kendra, Delhi.
Nivedita brings years of teaching experience, having guided students in Indian schools and serving as a full-time dance faculty at the Singapore Fine Arts Society (SIFAS), the oldest art school in Singapore. Over 100 students flourished under her Kathak tutelage. Beyond classical dance, Nivedita embraces Bollywood and folk styles, and played a pivotal role in introducing Kathak to SIFAS' "Vikasa Kids" program for children aged 3-6.
With over 20 years of performing Kathak at prestigious dance festivals in India and abroad (Singapore, France, Germany, and Switzerland), Nivedita's notable performances include "Krishna-Geetam" in Munich, "KIGA" in Basel, Indian Embassy Bern in Switzerland, International Dance Day at Tripura University, Pradhanvizah for MediaCorp in Singapore, Abhiyakti at the Bhaskarayam Dance Festival in Singapore, Anusandhan in Pune, Vibrant Gujarat in India, and Confluence for Ras Raj Foundation in India.
Nivedita actively collaborates with diverse art institutions and media platforms in Singapore, including Bhaskara Arts, Apsara Arts, the Indian High Commission, MediaCorp, and various SIFAS dance productions. Beyond Singapore, she has performed for the Indian Embassy, Berne (Switzerland) through Sahaja Yoga meditation events in Strasbourg, Bern, and Basel, and collaborated with Samvedan Dance Company (Mr. Deodatt Persaud) in Germany.
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